This method is good if you have two computers, and want to play CS on both at the same time, this will give you two STEAM ACCOUNTS, so you can share with a friend or whatnot.
This method will make a non-used steam account from any other WORKING steam account This method WORKS, and the resulting steam account will be a free, unused steam account!
Don't e-mail me saying it doesn't work if you aren't using a real steam account.
If you have a problem with the steam account, e-mail me at [email protected] with the new steam account you CREATED using this method, I'll find the problem with your steam account for you, under NO circumstances shouldyou give your steam account to ANYONE!
1)Write down your steam account name and password on notepad, or another similar typing program.
2)On the ur steam accoutn name, add "_" + ur current IP address for example:
myaccount ==> myaccount_23.24.1.345
you can check ur account on varies sites by searching from google
3)On the new steam accoutn name add "#20005" to the end .this would let u to connect to the newly made beta servers for 1.7 CS for example :
myaccount_23.24.1.345==> myaccount_23.24.1345#20005
4)On the password do exactly the samething, this step is critical~
Now, use the steam account, or give it to a friend, if it doesn't work, e-mail me the new steam accuont YOU MADE, not the original one. I will try to fix it, and mail you back with a working, unused steam account
If for some reason it does not work don't hesitate to email me!